breast cancer

Disease Breast cancer, abnormal cells grow in the breast at an uncontrolled rate.

  • 1 in 10 women will contract breast cancer
  • Inheritance of one or more of the BRCA genes increasing risk.
  • Menopause increases the rick
pathogen  n/a
Life cycle


1.     Effect on the host


Early signs,

  1. Lump or lumpiness in one or more breasts
  2. Change to nipple, ulcer, redness
  3. Change in size or shape breast
  4.  Cancer cells can spread to the lymph glands, bones chest.  (Malignant cancer)
  5.  Life threatening in advanced stages

2.     Biopsy or tissues are sent to a pathologist.

3.     Radiation therapy

4.    Chemotherapy. Medicines that interfere with cancer cell growth.

5.     Surgery to remove the lump, lymph gland or the whole breast.

6.     Counseling

7.     Changes to lifestyle, diet, exercise, smoking etc



8.     Early detection; self-examination, public breast screening programs.

9.     Genetic screening ; tests are available that detect the mutations in the BRCA 1 and 2 mutations.

10. Genetic counseling must be associated with tests to advise the patient.

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