Example of the use of key verbs # 2

analyse and present information from secondary sources to report on progress in the production of artificial blood and use available evidence to propose reasons why such research is needed


Reference 1 is dated 2011http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/8850684/Artificial-blood-could-be-used-within-next-decade.html)
Reference 2 http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/Issues/2010/…/ArtificialBlood.asp is dated 2010

Reference 3 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7567469/Blood-vessels-grown-from-stem-cells-could-revolutionise-heart-surgery.html is dated 2010.

Each reference has the following in common

1. While it would be an imperfect substitute for real blood and therefore not be used in all operations, artificial blood could revolutionise treatment in ambulances, war zones, disaster areas, experts said.
2. It could also be used in certain hospital situations, for example in elective surgery, and save hundreds of thousands of lives in parts of the world where blood banks are not available.

3. Shortage of blood donors

4. Difficulties in storing blood products.

5. Difficulties associated with blood types.

6. Nothing really available at present except in South Africa which facing a huge AIDS/HIV PROBLEM.


1. REFERENCE 2 discusses Artificial blood such as HEMOPURE OR MP 4 have significant side affects, namely high blood pressure and the risk of a heart attack.

2. REFERENCES 1 and 3 outline how the production of red blood cells from Stem cells is the likely solution.

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