Glossary, maintaining a balance. ARTIFICIAL BLOOD

HEMOPURE (type of artificial blood)
To make Hemopure ‘we take bovine blood and, using filtration and chromatography, purify the haemoglobin so it is 99.9 per cent pure protein,’

What we do is polymerise with glutaraldehyde [pentane-1,5-dial] to make large polymers of haemoglobin that have a half life of between 18 and 24 hours in the body,

MP 4 (another type of artificial blood)

The haemoglobin for MP4 comes from out-of-date human blood, rather than the bovine blood used for Hemopure. And
to prevent tetramer toxicity and dissociation, Sangart takes the alternative approach of coating the haemoglobin with polyethylene glycol (PEG).


A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell ( it has no job!). With the correct stimulus, stem cells can differentiate into specialised cells, like a red blood cell.


A side effect of a drug, or treatment, is a response that is not related to treating the symptom of the illness. In this case people who receive artificial blood have a greater chance of high blood pressure and heart failure.


When blood is donated, how long can it last before it loses its function?

Platelets, up to 7 days
Red blood cells, 40 days
Plasma, 1 year

Hemopure is room temperature stable as a liquid for at least 3 years.’

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